Tuesday, July 12, 2005

the chosen one,.. is my special one

summertime and winter is gone
daylight at the vale its treasure the moments
lyin in the grass dream about fairyland
counting clouds like it never goes to die

with sunlight, I shall be your lyre,
a sweet melody to your memories
summertime in vale hold me closely
and my heart free to whisper endlessly

Just reach out your hand
And by your side is where I will stand
Be sure and love your true friend
and I will be there for you time and again

And Hopefully you will clearly see
The reason I write is for you and me

yes,... it is for u my special one

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Dancing in the middle of morning

noone perfect in this unperfect world or life...
but there always many people want to be a perfect at least closest enough..
in many ways of course,.. like hard work, try to be better then yesterday, or maybe with "stupid way" degrading others, so anyone else look he/she better then that person..

lets talk this "special ways",
its natural for human being want to be a center spot,..
and natural too they didnt want to lose by other person (pls correct me if im wrong)

in several case , like debating..
they always keep his/her argument, but they didnt want to listen others argue..
in fact they start DEGRADE his enemy,.. {its called mentally war}
for them its enjoyable to degrade others,.. (not for me)
and this is a good reason for me , not to joining in politics (coz its dirty but legally ways to reach the POWER)

an "intelectual person or superior thinker" dont want to show his arrogance for anything they things crap, but they will talkative at the right time...
but never use his/her ego they always want to prove the truth with better ways,
not with "barbarian culture"

im not someone like that , im not an intelectual person or superior thinker,
im not a "barbarian person" who debate with DEGRADE other people
im not proud for what i am, but im proud for what i have done so far..
and always try to be better and more wise, so im not stucked at "childish point"

if im wrong , im sorry , it just a simple opinion from this ordinary person

Personality Test

just read the F**king Manual

Personality Plus by Florence littauer
how to understand people with understand yourself

this is the test, its doc files dont worry i never put any viruses there , coz i hate them too

personality test

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Menjelang Senja

ketika senja berada pada ujung landasan..
dan tepi jalan sudah sepi dari lalu lalang..
yang mereka sebut sore menuju malam..

Rommy : rokok ku belum habis terbakar.. tak perlu tergesa menjemputnya...
Arie : Cinta tak mengenal waktu, kawan ! bukan maksud tak sabar,.. tapi karena dia tak

dapat menunggu nya...
Icha : Orang seperti mu seakan mengerti akan cinta...seperti siang tadi,. terlihat orang gila

berteriak lantang "aku cinta kamu" ... yah, semoga saja kamu tak seperti dia
Arie : ah , cha.. ! kamu tak tau , mungkin tak mengerti.. sebelum rasa itu resap ke dalam

mata hati mu..
kiki : sudah lah,.. tak perlu debat satu kalimat kosong tanpa makna lebih baik lanjutkan

tugas kita..
Arie : bagaimana bisa menulis naskah, sedangkan inspirasi tak hadir di sini ?
Rommy : Pikiran mu melayang ke alam maya kawan.. , serius dikit lah.. sudah mendekati

tenggat Rie..
Arie : Bukan tak ingin menyelesaikan naskah.. tapi memang kalimat terus menggumpal tak

dapat ku tulis..
Iwan : Saat kau menginginkan, terlalu sulit untuk menggenggamnya erat namun ketika tak

peduli, dia datang dengan mudah,. lalu menyesal ketika dia pergi meninggalkan
luka..hahahaha tak jauh beda..
Kiki : maksud mu ?
Icha : seperti tak tau dia saja,.. selalu terbuai pada alam pikiran lalu berkata tak jelas ,..

seakan semua memahami dirinya
Iwan : mungkin orang gila itu lebih mengerti apa yang ku katakan... Karena mereka yang

berkata cinta selalu tak dapat menjelaskan arti, makna, dan yang lebih keterlaluan, tak
dapat menyembuhkan luka nya sendiri..
Rommy : mereka terus bertanya, bukan ? dan tetap mencari air untuk memadamkan api..
Iwan : ya , dan mereka tak pernah menemukan jawabannya... yang ingin ku sampaikan,

sudah tersampaikan..

pada sebuah teras yang mulai lembab oleh rintik gerimis..
dengan iringan dari sebuah radio tua..
dan ratusan lembar coretan buah imajinasi mereka...
sehari sebelum bubar oleh konspirasi..

in memoriam Teater Teras 2001

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Skies Talk

"langit ku lebih biru"
"langit ku tertutup awan kelam"
"adalah kehampaan yang mengisi ku"
"tapi bukan kegelapan yang mengisi mu"
"tanpa bintang tanpa putih nya awan"
"dengan sebuah matahari itu sudah cukup"
"tapi aku tak merasakan pekat"
"pekat hanya akan meluluhkan mu"
"kenapa kau menangis sendu ?"
"aku tak pernah menangis, karena ini hanya lukisan"
"dan aku ?"
"sama seperti aku yang dahulu"

Do you realize ? every person hasnt satisfied enough 4 what they have , they try to get better or even worst, try to be someone else even knew they cant, try to dream and judge 4 what they see ... not from inside..
correct me if its not true,..
today i realized im getting better not because i have high position in m3
but because something what i have done..
its not longer work for fun like i did 2 years ago but work for learn

Dont wait to change yourself


Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931)

*100 most influence people in history (Michael H Hart)

seseorang yang dikatakan "luar biasa bodoh" ini oleh guru nya , ternyata adalah seorang yang akhirnya mempengaruhi dunia dengan apa yang dia temukan.
so , apa loe masih mikir klo loe gak bisa berubah seperti dia ?

change yourself before you change the world*

*nih tulisan terpampang gede2 di whiteboard kamar gue :D

Love = Hope

cinta itu sebuah pengharapan...
berharap untuk memilikinya..
berharap tidak merasa kesepian..
atau sekedar berharap menjadi teman canda
di setiap detik waktu yang berjalan...

ketika harapan menjadi hampa...
tak ada lagi keinginan...
yang tersisa hanya sebuah rasa hambar...
bahkan seperti bisikan yang tak terdengar,...

ketika keputus asaan datang...
saat cahayanya perlahan menghilang..
jangan biarkan kebencian meradang...
atau teringat abadi tak termakan usia...

jika harapan mulai berpendar memudar...
tutup mata sejenak...
lepaskan dan lapangkan gelas kaca
apakah masih ada permata tersisa....

jika memang tak ada harapan...
kabari dia, jangan biarkan terduduk menunggu hingga petang...
maaf, jika saya berkata lancang...
hanya sebuah coretan sebelum mentari pagi menyapa,...

Kadang kita seperti terlalu khawatir dengan apa yang kita miliki atau bahkan yang belum kita miliki, selintas terbesit pertanyaan-pertanyaan untuk para pecinta di luar sana
"apa sih cinta menurut loe ?
bagi gue sih cinta itu yah seperti puisi di atas , kombinasi mutualisme dari harapan,kebencian,dendam,canda,bahkan sakit ati
kayaknya basi banget nih post , cinta mulu, actually karena emang sebenernya masih ragu....
apakah gue atau mungkin loe, udah pernah ngerasain true love ?

Monday, July 04, 2005

World Of Warcraft Offline

World of Warcraft Offline
Forum Source WDDG temporary forum
WoW Community

latest release : WDDG Community 1.5 Ltd
database : Blackstorm 1.2 database

nah, piracy is a crime, but using it simply make us learn something
need open source WoW emu this crap protect his source and want to paid 4 what they stoled

Song Of The Month , Coldplay ~ Speed Of Sound (X and Y)

All that noise and all that sound
All those places I have not found
And birds go flying at the speed of sound
To show you how it all began
Birds came flying from the underground
If you could see it then you'd understand
Oh, when you see it then you'll understand

complicated lyric, what 1st thing come to ur head when u listen speed of sound ?for me there is only some part from the lyric..

"if u could see it then you'd understand"

Yup we always need prove, not magic or spiritual concept
or,.... our brain is not smart enough to understand simply word called " GOD "

Sunday, July 03, 2005


When you are far away,
I dream of the horizon...
and words fail...
yes, I know there is no light...
in esplanade where the sun is absent,...

At the mystify eden,
show everyone my heart..
which you set alight...
enclose within me.

the light which,.
answer the endlessly...
awake me so tenderly..
and kept flyin to eternity...